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3 Tips for Planning Your Home Remodel in Stages

orlando drywall installation plans remodel in stagesIf you’ve been saving up for a remodeling project for years, you’re probably ready to dive in and knock it out in one fell swoop. But what if remodeling isn’t something you’ve had in mind for a long time, and you’re itching to give your home a little TLC? While it’s never a good idea to spend what you don’t have, it is possible to tackle your remodeling project in stages with the help of some solid planning.

From the Orlando drywall installation team at New Ceilings, here are a few things to keep in mind as you plan out your remodeling project. Of course, everyone’s projects will be unique, but this guide should help you make sure you’ve addressed all the basics.


  • Planning in stages will give you more flexibility. Beyond paying little by little, knocking out your remodel in stages will give you the option to adjust as time goes on. Switching gears is much more difficult during a one-and-done project. However, keep in mind that you should still create a master plan, even if you’re leaving room for flexibility. You don’t want to stray so far off track that your project looks disjointed.
  • Some contractors prefer to get the job done all at once. One setback to planning in stages is that many contractors prefer to get the job done in one sitting. After all, they want to be sure you won’t change your mind down the road. Consider your options for each piece of the job. You may be able to rely on specialists for each piece of the job – for example, hiring an Orlando drywall installation team to get the walls up, or a cabinet specialist to upgrade what you have in place.
  • Stick to your schedule. Once you have your plans lined up, it’s natural to want to dive in headfirst; but trying to tackle everything at the same time will leave you frustrated and exhausted. Instead, create a master schedule for every sub-project throughout and make sure you’re sequencing everything in the proper order. After all, it wouldn’t make sense to hire a painter before you have the walls replaced.


Overall, planning a remodeling project in stages is a much more hands-on experience – whether that suits you or not is entirely up to you. When you plan your remodel, it’s crucial to choose contractors you can trust, like the Orlando drywall installation team at New Ceilings. To learn more or to schedule your consultation, give us a call at 407-378-6040 today.